Tuesday, July 14, 2015

My Hero's Name is Jensen

    I am writing this from my heart. It's been weighing on me ever since yesterday at ComicCon. Some people won't agree and that's okay. These are my thoughts and feelings and observations and I would never expect anyone to always agree with me. That's what makes the world, and our Supernatural fandom so special.I was told recently by my dear friend Amy to never apologize for having an opinion or loving our show. So I'm not. It's just a warning that it may not be the most popular opinion.

     It concerns Jensen. Big surprise right? Let me first say the tribute to Jared and Always Keep Fighting was very nice and he was so touched. It meant a lot and I applaud the fans who put it together. It took a ton of work and your dedication is amazing. So is the love behind the gesture.I have issue that all the tributes to the Always Keep Fighting Campaign are only to Jared. As I recall the boys are a partnership. Moose and Squirrel together. I know Jared had a rough time this summer and I don't discount that. I was one of the first people to respond to his pleas for love. I love Jared very much so no one needs to go there. But let's not forget who carried on in the summer cons, trying his hardest to make sure he gave disappointed fans a great experience. He did not only his own photos and autos and panels but filled in the gaps for his missing best friend. He seemed all but exhausted himself when he returned.

  Then there was this:

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And I was more touched then I can ever express. See I was this fan. Not so little or precious but I was so overwhelmed at meeting him in 2013 at VegasCon I lost it. Crying and unable to speak. At all. The handlers and the people in line behind me were more than a little annoyed but this guy held on to me and whispered reassurances and refused to let me be moved along or made to wait. That sweet look in his eyes? Yep. I've seen it. Just like that. It's real.

    Jensen is way more quiet than Jared, Misha and Mark. He maintains his emotions really well. He's not as much of a cryer. Thank goodness with fans like me out there! He's uncomfortable being the center of attention and I suspect even if he doesn't say it, he hates to feel he disappointed anyone either. He's truly the big brother of the cast. He's the one who is always there for the others, he praises them and thanks them and showcases their talent. He epitomizes the words brother and family. He gets a great deal of praise for being pretty and God is he ever!! But here's the thing, his heart is every bit as big, as caring as the others: for us, for excellent causes, for making the  world a better place. I think my fear is that he is the Dean character here too. Doing what he does because he loves everyone but rarely getting the recognition. He's beautiful inside and out. I know you know this. And I am not diminishing what Jared has done and shared in any way. It takes courage to speak out and to say I struggle with this. I don't know if Jensen has , he's never said except that season 9 was really hard and he was "in a dark place". He was like Dean I think and just pushed through it. He is the poster child for humility. This is a man who despite fans telling him otherwise still can't believe he has musical ability . He is totally unaware of his exceptional good looks or amazing talent. He is a fabulous example of a husband and father.He is the unsung hero, the one who gives the best he has to offer all the time and never thinks of himself first. This is rare and precious and should be celebrated.

   So where am I going? This is a partnership. Everyone says it's all about the brothers. Well, that's plural. I hope in the future that if tributes to Always Keep Fighting are done at cons it's to both of them. Jensen is deserving of just as many thanks for saving my life tributes as his adorable costar and buddy. He and Dean saved me.I don't have that dramatic a story and I wont bore you with it.All  I know is this show, this man and this family have put more happiness in my life than I can ever tell you.

    Again, Jared deserves the tribute, He deserves a high five for admitting he needed a break this summer.And for getting himself back to where he is, rested, happy and ready for season 11. All I'm saying is, there should be just as many rounds of applause for 'the smart little squirrel" that took care of him and all of us. Yes, I love him. I all but worship the guy but he's my hero for all the right reasons. Won't you join me in sending him a little thank you?


  1. Better not say. Thank you for those thoughts.

  2. I agree 110%. I am so thankful for all the things these boys do for the family! They return the support we give them and I don't think we give them enough credit. Jensen has done so much for the SPN family and he deserves so much more credit then what he gets!

  3. This is quite possibly one of the most amazing things I've ever read. God bless you for writing such an insightful and right article. Jensen is similar to Dean, and he's definitely the unsung hero. I applaud you for writing such an intriguing, correct, and beautifully expressed letter.

  4. Thank you for putting my thoughts into words. It was beautifully written. I admire his incredible acting talent that often goes unrecognized & is under appreciated. I equally admire his commitment & love for his family, fruends & spn family. He has an undeniable quiet strength that shines through. I love how you see the love he has for Danneel with a look or a smile but keeps the pda to a minimum; keeping it private & special. He (& Danneel) inspire me & I am very proud to be a fan.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. i agree with you completely i thought he was being left out.....its a great piece of writing...he deserves more

  7. Thank you and he for this wonderful letter. Both boys should be thanked and supported equally

  8. Hello there. You wrote a wonderful tribute to Jensen and I applaud you for that.

    Now, regarding "I have issue that all the tributes to the Always Keep Fighting Campaign are only to Jared"

    I agree on principal, but lets be fair and look at the whole picture, Jared is the one who created AKF, he created the name which turned to a popular statement used by everyone now. Jared is the one who shared his personal experience and reasons for creating AKF, Jared is who did the biggest effort in it and articles about his own battle is what made the AKF known outside of SPN fandom. It's Jared who most of the fans go to to talk about it, it's Jared who the fans connected with after sharing his own experience, etc. Jensen joining the second part of the charity didn't change the fact that it's Jared's charity. Jensen's part in AFK is towards a different charity other than TWLOHA. AFK started out as a campaign for TWLOHA because of Jared but when Jensen joined they decided to make the campaign for various organizations.

    Also, please keep in mind that Comic con was the first opportunity most fans had to see or interact with Jared since his breakdown. That wouldn't have happened at the Gilmore Girl reunion so CC was a venue where fans could go, a whole lot cheaper than at SPN cons too for that matter and let Jared know how they felt.

    I think if it had been explained better so everyone knew what was going on, there wouldn't be as much of an issue. Jensen seems to have accepted it for what it was with carrying the candle with him.

  9. jensen had depression too but did'nt made a big deal abt it, neither saw anyone go out of his way to show him support in any way or form. at comic con there were moments that he seemed elsewhere & sad, then misha sort of confirmed that he was'nt ok & how could he. he past last year between working his a** of, noy acting but becoming dean (which is exausting mentally & physically), filming fighting scenes, carrying all the weight acting wise & going to cons in between. he had less than a month to rest, cause he had the cons & then had to go back to direct & act, earlier than anyone else. jensen works his a** of (without getting any recognition), backs everyone up, but no one backs him up. & since he is introvert & keeps everything inside (just like dean) it's him & only him that i worry abt cause in general it's the introvert people that are more at risk. & even if someone laughs & seems ok, or makes everyone else laugh, that does'nt mean that he is actually ok. bigger example of that than poor robyn williams does'nt exist. so if you pay close atention you'll notice that sometimes the ok facade that jensen puts on to entertain fans & make everyone laugh, slips & even a second is enough to notice that he aint actually ok at all.

  10. Very well written and thanks for sharing! I completely understand how you view him and he is just amazing, you can see that all over him.
    Well done!!

  11. Well said, and so very true. Every single word.

  12. Thank you for your beautiful words. Yes, I also believe that Jensen is quite the unsung hero. He steps aside to let others get the limelight, when he, himself, should be sharing in the limelight. Jensen does so much for the show, the actors, the crew, us fans, so much that goes unnoticed, he really does deserve so much more than he is given credit for. When I first saw these pictures I couldn't help but feel more love for this man than I ever have, and that love and admiration just grows. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings.
